Saksham Rapid
{Object Notation}

World's Fastest Compiled + Interpreted Programming Language.

Simple, easy and

expressive syntax

     name : MAIN
     println("Hello, World!")

Build with SRON v2.1

Start with installation and a HelloWorld!


The compiler converts source code into SRON's bytecode, which is then saved to a ".srb" file. Subsequently, the SRON interpreter executes the bytecode file efficiently, offering high speed, reduced memory usage, and lower power consumption.

speed comparison

The above result is from system with Intel core 2 duo (x64) with 4GB Ram while charging off in an integrated terminal.



Just a normal windows x64 computer.



Currently available for Windows only. Under development for Linux and Mac.


Learning Curve

Because of simple syntax and well written documentations, learning SRON is as easy as drinking water.


Definitely, SRON is 43% faster than python.

SRON is very simple and easy to understand. So, you don't need video tutorials to learn. Just read the official documentations carefully from .

The design and implementation of SRON is made with the purpose of platform independency. Till Version 2.1, SRON is only available for Windows but soon it will be released for multiple OS platforms.

The Latest version of SRON is version 2.1 which provides insane features like garbage collector, runtime variable management, hashed binary bytecode, static + dynamic typing, for-each loop, return value optimization etc.

SRON is developed by Saksham Joshi as his bachelor's final year project.

Till SRON Version 2.1, SRON doesn't support classes. It is a functional programming language.